Elimination disorders in children: types, causes and treatments

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Los trastornos de eliminación suelen ser efecto de algún problema emocional, de un entrenamiento inadecuado o de factores físicos. Sea cual sea el caso, no se les debe reprender por ello, sino ayudarles a superarlo.

Revisado y aprobado por la psicóloga Elena Sanz.Trastornos de eliminación en niños: tipos, causas y tratamientos Trastornos de eliminación en niños: tipos, causas y tratamientos

Written by Edith Sánchez

Last update: January 30, 2022

Elimination disorders in children have to do with the inability to control the emission of feces or urine at the time it is considered pertinent.These problems correspond to an incontinence modality, but in this case it does not usually obey organic anomalies.

The most common is that elimination disorders in children are solved by themselves over time.They almost always have to do with poorly adopted habits or with emotional circumstances that favor this behavior.

Also, it is possible that elimination disorders are a consequence of a chronic constipation problem, a very deep sleep cycle or hereditary factors.Anyway, it almost always manages to overcome if appropriate measures are taken.

What are elimination disorders in children?

Elimination disorders are defined as a difficulty in controlling sphincters during childhood.Now, sphincters are ring -shaped muscles that open and close some body openings.Among them, those that give way to urine and feces.

It is normal for a child not to control the elimination until after 18 months of life.From that age, he first begins to control the elimination of feces.Then, urine.The total process is completed between 3 and 5 years of age.

If there are difficulties in controlling sphincters after 5 years, there is talk of elimination disorders in children.This is a common problem that is often not understood by parents.In the child it can cause feelings of shame, low self -esteem and isolation, among others.

Types of elimination disorders

There are basically two types of elimination disorders: urine (enuresis) and fecal (foundis).However, each of these types presents some variants.Let's see what each of these modalities consist of.


Trastornos de eliminación en niños: tipos, causas y tratamientos

Enuresis is urine evacuation in bed or in clothes in children who are 5 years or older.To fit in this category, there must be at least two episodes per week during a continuous period of three months.The problem should not obey the intake of any medication or a medical condition, such as diabetes or others.

Enuresis can be diurnal or nocturnal.Also, urine elimination can be voluntary or involuntary.It is estimated that 10 % of children between 5 and 7 years present this disorder.In addition, it is present in 3 % of adolescents, between 2 and 5 % of young adults, and 0.5 % of adults.

I find

The other type of elimination disorders is the foundis.In this case there is evacuation of feces in clothes or in inappropriate places such as the floor.To be located in this category, there must be at least one episode per week, for three continuous months.It should not be the effect of a medical substance.

There are two subtypes: with constipation or without constipation.It is estimated that between e.1.5 and 7.5 % of children suffer from I find.About 3 % of pediatric consultations are carried out for this reason.It is more common in boys than in girls.

Read also: What is the treatment of night enuresis?

Possible causes of elimination disorders

Almost all children's elimination disorders have an emotional cause.The cases in which the cause is physiological or anatomical are an exception.Also, there are few times that a medicine or some substance causes this effect.

The most common is that elimination disorders are the response to a traumatic event or a circumstance that causes anxiety and stress.This problem speaks of feelings of anguish and lack of protection.

In many cases, they arise from entering school, conflicts with colleagues, the arrival of a little brother, conflicts between parents, divorce or the loss of a loved one.Also, it is possible that the cause is behavioral or physical.Let's see.

Behavioral causes

It is possible that the child has not been trained in an adequate way to use the toilet.Perhaps, he was taught too early or too late, or no clear instructions were given.Sometimes, simply, the child does not want to interrupt his game and, therefore, evacuates in an inexpensive way.

Elimination disorders are also a frequent symptom of problems such as challenging opposition disorder or other behavior problems.It is also possible that the little one wants to get the attention of his parents with this behavior.

Physical causes

Children with inappropriate sleep patterns can have elimination disorders.They eat or drink shortly before sleeping and then they have such a deep dream that they fail to wake up to go to the bathroom.

Some urological conditions, cystitis or diminished bladder are factors that can give rise to enuresis.Certain neuromuscular, genitourinary, brain or spinal cord problems could also lead to elimination disorders.Chronic constipation often causes uncontrolled evacuations.

Available treatments

Provided that there are elimination disorders in children, you must consult with the pediatrician so that he evaluates the situation and indicates the way to follow.If the cause is physical, the relevant treatment will begin to overcome the problem.If the origin is psychological, there are several therapies available, such as the following.

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Urine alarm therapy

In this case, moisture sensors are used that are installed in bed.When moisture is detected, a sound or tactile alarm is activated that alerts it to go to the bathroom.Corresponds to a behavioral conditioning mechanism.The child is expected to adapt to him and, at some point, stop needing the sensor.

Dry bed training

In this therapy, urine alarm is also used, but this is combined with other actions.For example, the child has to change the bedding if the wet or dirty.Or he must remain awake for a while, after wetting the bed.

Improved training to go to the bathroom

Here, it seeks to train the child to learn to control their sphincters rightly.Resources such as breathing techniques, contraction and relaxation of muscles, etc. are used.Advances are rewarded with rewards to reinforce behavior.


There are other techniques to treat elimination disorders in children.Within them, there are the following:

Tips and projection for elimination disorders

It is important to take into account that children can present occasional episodes of loss of control over sphincters without this meaning that they have elimination disorders.A shocking situation, or very funny, can lead to clothing.

It is necessary to reiterate that, to be considered elimination disorders, these must be repetitive due to a period of at least 12 weeks.If so, what is indicated is to consult with the pediatrician.First, the presence of some physical condition must be ruled out.

The usual thing is that children with this type of difficulty respond very well to available treatments.In fact, sometimes they achieve it for themselves with the affectionate and orientation support of their parents.Cases that last until more than 7 years are exceptional.

Represent children does not help

One of the most frequent mistakes of parents is to rebuke children who have elimination disorders.Even if they deliberately evacuate the truth is that this does not obey a whim, but to an unresolved problem.

Punish children for this cause only generates humiliation and self -esteem problems.The best thing is to talk to them and make them see that they have a difficulty that must be overcome.Then, consult with the doctor to recommend the measures to follow.

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Elimination disorders in children: types, causes and treatments
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