The "normcore" style is the key to this next season

  • By:karen-millen



Está más que claro: el "Normcore" no es ninguna novedad.Years ago (specifically since 2013) that we talk about this "anti trend" style that refers to simple and simple looks, with little "grace", but that are the styles that most of us final.

What is the normcore style?

To talk about Normcore, it is necessary.In it, its protagonist suffered from phobia to the logos and this peculiar idea was going to inspire the K-Hole agency in New York, to give rise to the term in 2013 popularizing it.

This concept not only refers to the absence of all types of logos, but also to a desire to avoid fashions, trends or extravagant.

El "estilo" Normcore es basico y cómodo, optando por lo atemporal y lo versátil.

We can see it in the use of sports shoes, baggy clothes, wide jeans and even "natural" hair, without forgetting the indispensable use of the "chandal" that is almost the spirit of this style.

El estilo

For those who are not clear about what we are referring to when we talk about "Chandal" here is a description to take note: the tracksuit: combine skirts with all kinds of pants, tweezers, jeans, mom jeans.Another option is to carry cropped garments with leggings and add another garment that adds elegance, such as some male coat or a blazer.

¿Podríamos decir que todas fuimos algo normcore durante el confinamiento del 2020/21? Rotundamente sí.

To better understand the social and cultural profile of this style from K-Hole they say: "He moves away from everything cool based on the difference to be able to approach a post-autenticity within equality," that is, that his followers do notThey feel that fashion is needed to express one's personality and prefer to use it for everyday life and not so much to highlight that the items are monotonous garments.

In the end, it is a whole declaration of intention, especially given the enormous amount of trends that are created at enormous speed.

Those who identify with the "normcore" know very well that they have their own personality and that they do not need to follow any trend or fashion to express it.

What garments do we do it with?What are essential?

Aunque se lo percibe como una tendencia de lo más simple, no es que cualquier cosa vale, y tampoco se trata de ir desaliñada por la vida, para nada.

We talk about a minimalist style where white and straight t -shirts reign or neutral colors, totally black or white sports shoes or neutral tones, straight cut jackets, bags without marks or logos in sight.In short, all the garments that are part of a style that basic and that is simple to achieve an effortless or casual style.

Perhaps it is something that has not crossed your head, but the authentic Normcore, those who originated the trend, are the ones who have never heard of the trend, who do not have time or desire to prepare complex looks or go of shopping.

It had never been so easy to follow a trend before.Why don't you dare?It will be what is strong in this 2022.

The "normcore" style is the key to this next season
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