I am a fashion expert: the three things you must pull your wardrobe right now

  • By:karen-millen



It is time to reduce the size of your wardrobe.

A fashion expert recommended discarding three specific types of articles to clear the closet and save space.

Fashion and lifestyle expert Jade Leanne wants to order her closet.

Therefore, he shared a video on social networks explaining the three questions you should ask yourself when deciding what garments should stay and which ones should leave.

First, he told me to be piece by piece and ask yourself: "Would you buy this if I saw it in a store now?".

This will help you decide how much you value the garment.

She reasoned that if she didn't buy it now, she probably didn't want to use it again.

Soy un experto en moda: las tres cosas que debes tirar de tu guardarropa ahora mismo

Second, Leanne said you'll ask yourself: "Can I look good?"

If the article is too big or too small and it has not been good for more than a year, Leanne said that he must throw it in the trash.

"It makes us feel bad to have clothes that do not look good on our wardrobe," he said.

«Get rid of them."

Finally, if the article has holes, spots or tangraduras, he said he simply throws it.

«No los vas a arreglar más tarde, no los vas a remendar, no los vas a blanquear, no los vas a tirar a la basura", dijo.

The expert even suggested to wear old clothes as a cleaning rag.

For the pieces you decide, Leanne recommended putting them in a container that you can then classify to decide if you want to sell them, donate them or, in case of ruined clothes, throw them.

Now that your closet is clear, you can keep your whole house ordered with the advice of a professional organizer.

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I am a fashion expert: the three things you must pull your wardrobe right now
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  • how to wear fashion clothes

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