
  • By:karen-millen



"It pains me to say it, a government that is valued for its image is a frivolous government," journalist Julio Scherer wrote a long time ago. His words still apply.

Change "president" to governor or municipal president or deputy or..., the quote to the founder and director of Process made by Anne Marie Merger in a recent issue of the magazine, seven years after Don Julio's death, works on several levels: "It's not fair. [...] The President wants you to kiss his hand, quite literally, but already 'chole' with the Father of all Mexicans. Therefore, if you are going to chronicle, tell what you see, and then there will be time to tell what you think and know. Now tell what you see".

In Joya Honda, La Tinaja, belonging to the municipality of Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, the State Government announced the construction of a 40-meter-high Christ the Redeemer. No further information was given, only the photos of the sculpture model. Because it is a religious activity for the sake of tourism, because of its size, because it is ejido land, because it is a Protected Natural Area (decree just published in April 2021), the discussion has gotten good and we hope it will get better when we see the studies and plans (feasibility, economic, ecological, ecotourism, biocultural) that support this work.

The State Government page says that Joya Honda is one of the seven maars of San Luis Potosí. "A maar is a wide and low volcanic crater, produced by a phreatic-magmatic eruption, that is, an explosion caused by groundwater that comes into contact with hot lava or magma (Saucedo et al., 2017)". Joya Honda is "of great importance for geological studies that help us understand the formation and geological history of the central region of San Luis Potosí, in addition to conserving unique biological resources in the region."

In popular memory, usually educated in the short term and with its "cognitive biases", the failed tree is present in the Plaza de los Fundadores, but we also have to turn to see Cerro de San Pedro, Xilitla, the Cañada del Lobo , La Media Luna, Los Peroles, El Realejo and other places where the arrival of visitors does not mean only "economic benefit".


We talk about water resources and basic services, garbage and possible depredations. It is not about "reforesting" just by changing trees to the ridges, of putting or bringing species for no reason, but of multidisciplinary studies and social participation. Nature does not usually tolerate being moved "just a little bit". It is worth citing Jorge Ibargüengoitia again, who wrote that one should not confuse the big with the great.

Lack of imagination? Excess ego? Occurrences? From the PoliSía to plagiarism, from the invention of titles or advice to the "accuracy" of data, we should have more access to information about what has been done or what is planned to be done. In health, SLP is the most opaque state, according to the Health Transparency Index, published by the Aregional agency. How are the other areas? In many of them, they don't even make newsletters or update the pages since last year.

In Villa Juárez, it was easy for the current administration to take the title of my book La bella Villa (2004) as the slogan of its government, which represents a political use of it. They also took a photo from the internet to proclaim themselves "land of mead". It will be necessary to review their Municipal Development Plan to see if they did not commit other plagiarism.

Meanwhile, there are other problems. The Realito has failed again and according to Interapas they have not even been able to meet the owners or administrators of the dam. The pipes have returned to the streets of the metropolitan area.

These days the theme of the Oxxo has become fashionable, the convenience stores that have sprung up like mushrooms to eliminate the corner stores. Convenience is their schedule and not waiting in lines at banks, but just for the commissions they charge, we should reflect on these more than 20,000 stores that handle 80% of electronic transactions in Mexico.

These stores are part of the Mexican Economic Development, a company owned by José Antonio Fernández Carbajal. Several of its executives and partners are part of the Business Coordinating Council, from which many clashes with the current federal administration have arisen.

Homeless people live in many of these stores' parking lots. Two people live in the one near me, apparently a couple, who clean cars and ask customers at the mall for money. They change clothes in a Caritas container and have become part of the environment.

In the end it seems that only those stores and the businesses of the man of small fertilizers will remain, with more "tenants" outside of them.

From Covid-19, in the state the new infections are still around 2,000 new ones per day, and around 10 deaths per day (12, yesterday, January 29, eight of which were not vaccinated).


Email: bajodelagua@gmail.com

Twitter: @corazontodito

Postscript: In addition to the literary workshop at the Center for the Arts, we will have other options to create and share. There is the novel course-workshop offered by Letters and Voices of Tabasco AC and the José Gorostiza School of Writers, on Saturdays from 6 to 8 pm, remotely, in the comfort of your home. There is also the Literary Creation workshop focused on the structuring of the book of poetry and stories, based at the Casa del Poeta Ramón López Velarde (Vallejo 300, Centro, SLP), on Mondays from February to July, from 57 pm. And lastly, there is the workshop on Chronicle and other non-fiction genres, with the Guardians of the Sierra de San Miguelito/FAO, on Sundays, February 20 and 27, and March 6, 13 and 20, five sessions of two hours each. one, from 12 to 2 pm (three in the Guardians' office, José María Flores 305, San Sebastián neighborhood, one in Cerro de San Pedro and another in our Sierra de San Miguelito). In all workshops, limited space and ventilated places.

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