Sad Record: Spain the fifth country in the world with more atheists

  • By:karen-millen



Los quintos, y subiendo. España ha conseguido el triste avance de llegar a un 25 % de sus habitantes que se declaran ateos, cuando en los años 80 apenas se llegaba al 8,5 %. Ya solo tenemos por delante a China (61%), Hong Kong (34%), Japón (31%) y la República Checa (30%). Esto sí que es avanzar, y lo demás, bobadas. En poco más de treinta años, del 8,5 al 25 %. Y subiendo.Triste record: España el quinto país del mundo con más ateos Triste record: España el quinto país del mundo con más ateos

But nothing happens.Nothing happens here.Rather, not only does nothing happen, but we are in an ecclesial moment of sweet.Recently, the elected bishop of Teruel and Albarracín stated: "The Church never in history has been as well as now".The sense of humor that does not miss.

I understand what to make a critical evaluation of the life of the Church in Spain in recent years anyone especially fancy.But the data is third.Point.

It is true that society has changed and that in Spain we are suffering a wave of secularism and aggressiveness against the Catholic Church that certainly impresses.It is a continuum Pim Pam Pum orchestrated by all the media against the Church and against everything that may mean values, moral principles or vital criteria.But that's not the problem.

We have the problem inside.An option was made by a church in comprehensive theory, at all dogmatic, tolerant, friendly, charitable and at all belligerent, convinced that people moved away from Christ and Church for our dogmatism, due to the lack of mercy, for nothave known how to approach people.This, which in theory sounds good, has become a church I do not say about weak thought, but a church without more dogma than what each one wants to believe, without more truth than that of crushing, without another moral than acceptingAs morally acceptable the usual unacceptable, and a liturgy stripped of religiosity and worship to chop in fraternal knife, and all this marinated with a light solidarity that is ashamed to speak of Christian charity.

Triste record: España el quinto país del mundo con más ateos

According to data from the Spanish Episcopal Conference, the last, in Spain we have more than 23.000 parishes.More than 8.3 million hours are dedicated to catechesis.Every year about 250.000 baptisms and many first communions.That is, if the average is two years of catechesis to celebrate the first communion, every year we have half a million children in catechesis.I students in Catholic centers.3.500.000 students in religion classes.85.000 students in Catholic universities.4.700.000 people served in Church social centers.

And in thirty years, atheists go from 8.5 to 25 % of inhabitants of Spain.Lote your own conclusions.

I was always surprised how it is possible that the Jewish people, subjected to a very fortun.Ok, if money ... the trick is in a strong thought immovable traditions, customs that are respected yes or yes.There is no one to enter their life.

Or think of the church in Poland.More difficulties that we have had, many more.And more alive than any.But there is a doctrine, a moral, a liturgy and a seriousness in things.Let's think of Spain, for example, who are resisting better before the wave of secularism and atheism.Obviously the groups and communities called "conservative", which are the least contaminated of goodism and relativism.

Let's be clear.If having a church in our hands 2.600 centros educativos católicos, más deone.500.000 students, 500.000 children in catechesis every year.If the Episcopal Conference tells us that they are dedicated in Spain to the year 8.3 million hours to catechesis, and the result is that people become agnostic and atheistic more and more speed, maybe it would be necessary to close parishes and colleges, universities and social centers, dress in jacket and ash and mess our hair while we apologize to God for our uselessness.

Well nothing, let's continue.Church? Well thanks.The only thing, those groups of conservatives who put obstacles to the authentic evangelization. Si no fuera por su resistencia qué digo 25 % de ateos, estábamos ya lo menos por el40 %.But everything will walk.

Sad Record: Spain the fifth country in the world with more atheists
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