Stop to overconsumism: for a more sustainable world

  • By:karen-millen



Overnsumo or consumerism is the main driver of the ecological crisis that faces the planet, even exceeding population growth.We live in a consumer -based society, which associates the purchase with obtaining satisfaction and personal happiness.The economic system that prevails in the world depends more and more on the consumption of all people.A society that pushes more and more things, which leads to buying goods or services, beyond the basic needs of people.These consumption habits damage the planet.Transforming consumption habits into responsible consumption is key to making our planet a more sustainable world.

The textile industry is one of the most harmful and pollutants for the environment.The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) points out that world production and footwear production generates 8% of global greenhouse gases.Every year 100 billion clothes are manufactured, as a consequence of fast fashion.The Fast Fashion model is based on the mass production of current clothing at affordable prices.For example, consumers can buy a shirt and jeans for just 26 euros in countries such as Portugal, one of the European countries with the cheapest parties.A model that is not sustainable from the environmental point of view, since it is responsible for water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and spills.

Stop al sobreconsumismo: por un mundo más sostenible

There are many ways to help mitigate environmental and social damage caused by fast fashion or fast fashion.Slow fashion is considered the most sustainable alternative.This movement advocates reducing the amount of new clothing that is bought, mainly opting for better quality garments that last longer, and increase the useful life of the garment (and the planet).Consumers can prolong the life of garments by giving them proper care.Read carefully the labels of garments when buying them to know the maintenance and washing instructions, be clear about the washing symbols, wash at low temperature, use adequate detergents, clean dry only when necessary and avoid the dryer are some good habits forTake care of clothes.

Avoid excessive water consumption

Make a cotton shirt costs 2.700 liters of water, the amount of water that a person can ingest in two and a half years, according to a report by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).Water is one of the most precious goods, both for the human being and for the entire planet.Contributing to water savings is in our hands.You have to rethink if we really need all those garments that we have at the bottom of the closet, for which we are contributing to excessive water consumption.Given this situation, prologize the life of goods, whether clothing or other products, becomes one of the necessary actions to end overconsume and contribute to the sustainability of the planet.

Stop to overconsumism: for a more sustainable world
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