The fashion figures we lost in 2021

  • By:karen-millen



Resumen del año
Toda la industria llora la pérdida de estos grandes talentos este año

Por Laird Borrelli-PerssonLas figuras de la moda que perdimos en 2021 Las figuras de la moda que perdimos en 2021

The loss has been accompanying us since the pandemic began and has inevitably followed present in the 2021 conversations.The fashion industry has been very affected by the death of important members, which were not only an essential part of it but also important agents in its transformation.Today we want to dedicate a meaning to the fashion figures who have died this year.

Virgil Ubloh, visionary creative, 41 years of off-white and creative male fashion director of Louis Vuitton, Virgil Ulh was Skater, architect and DJ before becoming a designer.His ascent, writes Luke Leitch, "of charismatic fashion tourist in 2009 to shine on the cusp of the world luxury industry at the time of his death is possibly the story that best defines the fashion of the 2010 decade".Both for its status as African -American and creator that emerged from the diverse panorama of the streetwear - a marker whose definition constantly challenged -, urged pioneer in breaking borders in a notoriously limited business ".

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Virgil Abloh: la categoría siempre fue él mismo

The premature disappearance of the African-American designer, founder of Off-White and artistic director of the Louis Vuitton male line, gives wings to a fashion legend so well articulated, both for its protagonist and for the system that welcomed it without regard, which, whichIt is given by a certain.Although original has little, at least in terms of genuine creation

By Rafa Rodríguez

Adolfo, American designer and shador, 98 Hattling and fashion designer, Adolfo was one of the favorite dressmakers of the First Lady Nancy Reagan, who wore her designs in the two possession of her husband.Born in Cuba, Adolfo Sardiña began making hats until he became a reference figure of Vogue, in which he accumulated more than 20 covers with his designs (especially hats) over three decades.In 1962, with the support of Bill Blass, Adolfo began to design clothes under his own name and reached fame with his knit garments and his Chanel -like jacket costumes.

Julien Hedquist, Model, 39 years of this model of the 90s, Hedquist exceeded obstacles that seemed unsurpassed "with dignity and also with humor," says Helena Suric, senior director of the Talent Talent Global of Condé Nast.In 2006, Hedquist fell into a coma induced by an overdose of the tetraplygic aroused.He worked with determination to recover his capacity for movement and in 2008 he returned to study, after which he worked as Booker and even acting again as a model.

Las figuras de la moda que perdimos en 2021

Steven Mark Klein, 70 year old New York of pure strain who worked with Keith Haring, danced at the Mudd Club and later directed a blog called Not Vogue, Klein, self -denominated "Autonomous Outlaw".He was also known as a referee of good taste and branding guru.Klein's personal collection of fashion articles serves as the basis for the newly created International Library of Fashion Research.

Ivy Nicholson, model and actress, 88 years old in Manhattan, Nicholson began to act as a model in Paris in the fifties.On her return to New York, she became friend of Andy Warhol and starred in many of her films.

Federica "Kikka" Cavenati, fashion designer, 28 years old in 2017, Cavenati and her husband, Marco Capaldi, two Italian expansives, co -founded 16arlington in London, a brand built on the generous and dazzling glamor of Kikka.

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Muere Federica Cavenati, fundadora de la firma de moda 16Arlington, a los 28 años de edad

The businesswoman devised excessive and disruptive designs that fell in love with personalities such as Lena Dunham, Lizzo, Billie Eilish or Lady Gaga

By Alberto Sisí Sánchez

George Malkemus, co -founder of SJP Shoes, 67 years old "had elegance, exquisite taste, principles and an unbridled love for his work, for his life in the footwear business and for all beautiful things," said Sarah Jessica Parker of Malkemus,Your dear friend and partner.Malkemus helped launch Manolo Blahnik in the United States and was co -owners.

Hiro (Yasuhiro Wakabayashi), a photographer, 90 years old was of Japanese ancestry, Hiro was born in Shanghai.In 1954 he moved to the United States where he briefly studied photography before starting working with Richard Avedon.Hiro's images are distinguished by their sensual minimalism and clarity: the nake.

Nick Kamen, model and musician, 59 years with an amazing resemblance to Elvis Presley, Kamen seduced as a model and musician.It was the face of the Buffalo Subculture (The Face took it on the cover) and unforgettable image of Levi's.Protected from Madonna, Kamen was also a successful musician.

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Nick Kamen y la promesa de un mundo mejor

By Rafa Rodríguez

Alber Elbaz, fashion designer, 59 years old has not been more humble or more human designer than Alber Elbaz and his death shocked the fashion industry.Born in Morocco and raised in Israel, Elbaz worked in New York for Geoffrey Beene.Already in Paris he contributed his warm sensitivity to Guy Laroche, Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche and Lanvin.Earl this year, Elbaz launched its own brand: Az Factory."It began to be unique," Sarah Mower's fashion criticism wrote. "social of his trade at the service of the real experience of women ".

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Muere el diseñador Alber Elbaz

By Mayte out

June Newton, photographer, actress and muse, 97 years old Newton (Single surname Browne) had many talents and aka: he acted under the name of June Brunell and signed his photographs like Alice Springs.But despite his achievements in various fields, Newton's main role was to be the other half of Helmut Newton.So inseparable was the couple that, in their words in memory of the artist, Jonathan Van Affa said that "talking about Helmut necessarily implies talking about June".

Elsa Peretti, jewelry designer and Philanthontrap, 80 years "I seek to crystallize a form, find the essence.It is a continuous learning to get to the essence in your work, and then achieve it also in your life, "said the creator of the iconic hanging of the hollow heart and the bone bracelets.. La italiana se convirtió en una de los diseñadoras de joyas con más éxito de todos los tiempos tras fichar por Tiffany & Co.In the 80s, the styling Peretti, which had started as a model, left New York and set its residence in the town of Sant Martí Vell, in a house that restored with care.He also repaired the relationship with his father, creating a foundation in his name.

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Fallece la diseñadora de joyas Elsa Peretti

By Mayte out

Philippe Venet, fashion designer, 91 years old from Lyon, Venet was apprentice to a local dressmaker before leaving to Paris, finding work in Schiaparelli and meet his partner, Hubert de Givenchy.Venet worked in Givenchy until 1962, when he founded his own line.The purity of his designs clearly identified him with the school of Balenciaga.

Dolores Hawkins Phelps, Vogue model and real estate agent, 90 years active in the 1950s, Phelps introduced a new type of model that overcame happiness instead of languor.With his radiant smile, he gave off a especially natural halo for the canons of the time.Phelps posed for two covers of Vogue.

Harry Bant, Socialite, 24 years "there was something in Harry, that everyone noticed and wanted," Elisabeth von Thurn und taxis wrote about the fashionable man in the city."His amazing looks, his androgynous style and his insatiable love for fashion took him everywhere".

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Harry Brant, hijo de Peter Brant y Stephanie Seymour, muere a los 24 años

This article was originally published in

Towards heaven: Virgil's last virgil parade for Louis Vuitton


By Luke Leitch

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The fashion figures we lost in 2021
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