Labor interview: Use color psychology in your favor

  • By:karen-millen



The first impression in a job interview is key to obtaining or not the position you aspire to.Therefore, not only should you be encouraged mood and academically to obtain a good impression of the interviewer, which transmits your image and clothing code is also a key point in the selection process.

This is mentioned by the image advisor Samantha Abad who states that according to color psychology, the shades to be used in the look can help transmit a good or bad impression on each person.So ... what are the most recommended to go to your long -awaited job interview?The expert gives express the best options:


Entrevista laboral: utiliza la psicología del color a tu favor

Stefania Macchiavello, throbb for sustainability

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The expert mentions that it can combine the colors mentioned above next to neutral tones such as gray, chocolate, brown or white to generate a balance.Black is also an option for those who want to impose authorization, professionalism and transmit maximum elegance.

Garments to use

The clothing code for job interviews in offices has the use of tailor's suits, pants, skirts and dresses that reach below the knee."You should never opt for miniskirts or blouses with excessive neckline.For men, it is preferable not to wear informal garments such as jeans, shorts or shirts with short sleeves.I could transmit lack of interest or unprofessionalism.

Footwear is not recommended such as sandals, platforms or glitters.Flats or heels like stilettos are a better option, ”says Abad.You can add small accessories to your look such as earrings, chains or bracelets to your liking.Of course, remember that they should not attract attention.

Labor interview: Use color psychology in your favor
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