A revolution that has no reversal

  • By:karen-millen



Iñigo Belastegui

There is already a new edition of San Sebastián Fashion Festival.It returns with a duration of three days and a hybrid format of presentations and 'talk shows' that can be followed online and parades that can be enjoyed in person and also through social networks and the Internet.

And, as is tradition, the first measures of this event served to make an approach to the world of sustainable fashion by GK Green Fashion.José Ignacio Asensio, Deputy of the Environment and Hydraulic Works, and Mónica Pedreira, Director of the Environment, were responsible for opening the day.Before giving way to a dozen presentations that were followed from various parts of the world, Asensio wanted to emphasize that "to facilitate awareness and changes in habits, the local is fundamental".Along the same lines, he showed his satisfaction for having "an ecosystem in the territory with great designers and a kilometer 0 industry that can be exportable to the entire country and internationally".

Asensio said that technology and new habits, many of them derived from pandemic, enable exponential growth of sustainable fashion and in that same idea there was a gum Gomez, director of Slow Fashion Next and a true reference in the field of fashionSustainable: «We want or not, technology will continue to move forward and, if we do not understand its operation, we will not be able to use it well.This day will help us understand how these tools can help us walk faster towards the 2030 Agenda ".


Gema Gómez was the one who gave the starting gun for other eleven presentations in which artificial intelligence, algorithms, 3D printing, retails or hubs were some of the concepts to which they were repeatedly used.There was also a lot of talk about traceability, a key issue to understand this new scenario in which the fashion industry, but also the user, must be: «The industry must be increasingly transparent because users, than not consumers,increasingly demand to know more about traceability.Only those who do things well can lead this sector, but also fashion in general ".

Willing to pay more

In the field of sustainable fashion there are already certain trend changes that are really significant.In Europe, for example, fashion is already considered a residue, with all that this means.In addition, 10% of customers are already willing to pay more for a garment that is sustainable: «It is already a long -distance trend, but there is a 'gap' between the will to want to do things well and how it can materializeThat will, ”said Gema Gómez.

There were almost six intense hours of presentations and questions with an answer in which a dozen experts addressed the issue of sustainable fashion from different perspectives, but always taking into account the unquestionable influence of technology and its tools.

Una revolución que no tiene marcha atrás

Behind them, the grounds that remained is that that of sustainable fashion is a revolution that has no reversal because, to a large extent, this change of mentality in users and fashion users has already been given, which not only demanda quality product, but also respectful of the environment.That is why we can only look to the future with optimism in this field.

The first day of this San Sebastián Fashion Festival culminated yesterday afternoon with a parade at the Garbera Shopping Center in which nine local and international signatures participated.

Las ponencias de GK Green Fashion

Gema Gómez |Slow Fashion Next

«Estamos ante una oportunidad histórica"

The director of Slow Fashion Next took advantage of her presentation to contextualize the day: «The December Green Pact of December has highlighted the tendency towards sustainability and there are no excuses for not accelerating change towards sustainable fashion.We are facing a historical opportunity to put the person and the environment in the center ".

Cynthia Belda |REVIEWS

«La moda no está reñida con precios asequibles"

Artificial intelligence and algorithms are two allies to launch a product at the right time and at the right price: «Our tool helps them, for example, to organize their stocks, know what price to give to each product or to know the latest news of the market.The price analysis tells us that this fashion is not at odds with affordable prices ".

Patricia Echevarría |Balab Factory

«Buscamos tejidos con cierta inteligencia"

Balab Factory is a Donostiarra Laboratory of textile innovation that seeks to value waste through 3D technology: «Each residue has its peculiarity and, from there, we look for fabrics with some intelligence.We develop transfer projects and select products that can use our 3D technology ".

Shubham kulshrestha |Trustrace

«Una cadena transparente es una obligación"

From India, he focused on traceability: «A supply chain that is transparent is already an obligation.Many brands do not know who is at the origin of their product and the customer lacks information.There we enter, a digital traceability and transparency platform of the product thanks to different technological tools ".

Carmina Ferri |Care Applications

«El 10% de tintes sintéticos acaba en aguas residuales"

Ferri spoke of Naturalfun, an investigation of natural processes and finishes, and also of other products developed by them, such as Ecofinish, which always seek greater sustainability.He delved into dyes and dyes: "10% of the million tons of synthetic dyes that occur every year end in wastewater".

Albert Albeich |Modare-charites

«Los 'rehabs' tienen vocación de tractor"

Modere is a Cáritas project to give a second life to clothing, always in a sustainable way: «We collect about 110.000 tons and Modere, with its 7.000 containers, represents 40%".Alberich talked about the 'Rehabs', textile rehabilitation centers, which "have a tractor vocation for the entire sector with sustainability as axis".

Jonne Hellgren |REPACK

«El usuario se quita la basura y tiene recompensa"

The Finn Hellgren wanted to talk about the impact of the 'packaging' of electronic commerce on the environment: «We take care of recovering the container, without the brand having to occupy and the user takes away that garbage.If you leave it in a nearby mailbox, you get a reward.In a study that we just did, everyone wanted to repack ".

Borja Cembrebra |Naizfit

«Dos de cada tres devoluciones se deben a la talla"

Aizfit wants to respond to the online buyer who wonders for his size, but also to those firms that no longer know if they are caring well: «Two out of three returns are due to it.With Naizfit, we reduce 15% of returns, with the impact on the environment that entails, and the average ticket increases by 6%.We are a digital tailor ".

Mathias Slabbinck |Quifactum

«Un QR es un pasaporte digital de la prenda"

From Belgium, Slabbinck influenced the usefulness of QR codes to connect with customers: «Through the transparency of production we can reestablish the balance between price and value.How?With a QR code that tells you the story of that garment.It is a kind of digital passport that makes each piece something special and increases sales ".

Pablo Candau |Newe

«El alquiler es una buena opción para las prendas caras"

The 'renting' was the concept on which Candau put the focus: «We are a technological and operational solution that we saw that payment for use would make a lot of sense in fashion.Rent is a good option for higher price garments and, in addition, brands should not worry about anything.For them, it is a way to enter the circular economy "

F.Javier Escorihuela |Isostopy

«Se compraría más con la realidad aumentada"

Increased reality can be another of the big bazas for brands: "Consumers prefer companies with this technology and buy more with it, the figures demonstrate it".Escorihuela gave nine tips for those who want to bet on this technology and insisted on the importance of starting to work with augmented reality.

Sergio Ocaña |Fashionalia

«El viaje de lo digital a lo físico es posible"

The 'Phigital' store, which combines the physical purchase with the online, comes to stay: «The journey from digital to the physical is possible and this store has the advantages of both worlds.We have 60 brands, each with its corner in which its 'bestsellers' are.The customer downloads an app to read the QR of the label and access the information, price, discounts...".

San Sebastián,Moda,GdM mayoTendencias

A revolution that has no reversal
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  • It is high quality pact clothes or fashion fast

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