Benito Fernández, from Argentina to every corner of the continent

  • By:karen-millen



By Rocío Vivasinstagram: @rociovivas

Benito Fernández presented his latest autumn-winter 2018 collection which he called "Enchanted Forest".The appointment was at the Palermo Racecourse and the novelty;The technological incorporation and possibility of seeing in streaming the parade.There were 9 recording cameras that captured 360º images, Sybila Producciones director was choosing four cameras and people from home with a mobile device had the possibility of observing any part of the parade live;either the Makeup sector of Estee Lauder, or when Javier Luna made the hairstyles, images taken by a guest blogger, or some model receiving indications of the fashion producer Mechi Ugarte.

You could also see Gaby Vidal, in charge of the general production receiving the guests who were accommodating while enjoying a Cup of Navarro Correas well predisposed to see this incredible show.The event had a premise, which is open to anyone who wants to participate, so the entrance was free and together with the adaptation to new technologies allowed fashion to reach everywhere, every corner of the continent where you want to see.

The designer made his collection and had not defined the name of it, arose when he found among his stamps garments that had to do with the forest, materials such as the metallic that have no direct relationship with the forest but with the stars but with the stars but with the stars but with the stars but with the stars but with the stars but with the starsAnd he found some textures and colors that traced him something freer, creative, more fantasy, that's why the enchanted word.

The models had riding helmets that also literally refer to the forest but in conjunction with its garments a collection was obtained where magic and color predominated for this winter 2018.

The prints represent the designer who decided to present Pret a Porter, his newest line.Benito Fernández did something that few haute couture designers achieved: that their garments reach all the people, the massive, the shopping, to be able to go shopping and find a party dress in the stained glass window of a shopping ride.This renewed designer managed to be sold throughout the country distributed in 38 multimarcas.

Benito Fernández, desde Argentina a cada rincón del continente

The idea of the Pret a Porter line arrived at a time of his career where there was a break, a moment of reflection, rethinking and, no matter how much he is an admirer of the haute couture where he feels that he can fly, he believes that this line was encapsulated.It is something that does not represent society, even if it likes and is a source of inspiration.But the street, the urban, being close to the people, is what he feels that makes him younger, so he decided to bow to Pret a Porter.

He also decided to merge with other more popular brands such as art, and together they designed notebooks, with Topper made shoes, by the hand of the White House;sheets and towels and also has a perfume that represents the brand.

We asked him why he did not wantelegant.

Adding to this wave of reaching everywhere, Benito continues with new openings and this time it will be in Caballito Shopping Center.It is a neighborhood that it loves because its people makes sense of belonging and is faithful to the place.The designer has many expectations, he is very happy to continue expanding.

Throughout his career, Benito was accompanied.Maximum Zorreguieta represents the woman she likes: she works, she deals with her daughters, she serves her husband, she is today's woman, she is not a queen who only joins tea and charging while wears an algunname elegant ".That is the woman's target who likes to dress, in Benito's words: "Mines with power".

The basic that can never be missing in their collections are the lasting prints in time, which are not only of the moment, that are timeless.The short dress is its fort, it is what you like to do, always with shine, a lot of color, embroidery and combination of textures.But if we talk about "fetish garment", the monkey is yours.He settled for both the day and night, proposes to add a leather or sweater jacket above and best of all, he has all that versatility to be able to look it and not use it only once.That is the garment you are going to see in all its last collections.

Speaking of wishes, Benito's would be to have a multi -brand, incorporating objects from all the items with his own seal;More accessories, bedding, leather goods, some furniture, but for that more space is required than their premises today.That is why he will leave him for later and today his enthusiasm is on the opening of his new store in Caballito Shopping Center to which he made us extend the invitation to all readers.


Benito FernandezdesfileMix 5411moda

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