'Betty in NY' previews: First date

  • By:karen-millen



    Julia is convinced that Betty is in love and Nicolás denies knowing who. Oblivious to this, the young woman wants to look beautiful for Armando and goes to a hairdresser. A few hours later, he arrives at V&M and the reactions are immediate. While Ricardo, Marcela, Patricia and Hugo burst out laughing and mock, the rest hide it. It will be Daniel who dares to tell her that she looks horrible: “Aren't you ashamed? This is a fashion company, not a carnival. Please change."

    Jenny provokes Sofía with her children and assures that she has given her permission for them to attend after-school soccer classes. "I gave birth to them and I'm the only one who can call them children", she screams furiously. Immediately afterwards, he shakes his rival and throws his mobile to the ground. Smith appears at that moment and ends the fight. "You are fired," he communicates to Sofía. Since Marcela refuses to intercede for her, it is Betty who does. With the promise that he will publicly apologize to Jenny and buy her another cell phone, he gets her to keep her job.

    As part of the scam plan he has devised with Mata, Daniel proposes to Armando to hire a company in India that will save him 70% of the cost of production. When Ricardo finds out, he is excited because he thinks it is an opportunity to pay off the debt to BAR Fashion more quickly. Betty asks Nicolás to bring her clothes so she can change. Patricia follows her and due to a mistake, she believes that the ugly woman's boyfriend is an executive. "I'm going to take it away. That millionaire will be for me”, he thinks.

    In a restaurant, Marcela suffers once again from her fiancé and gets drunk. Ricardo, who is with her, takes the opportunity to take her to her apartment. There, he helps her to lie down and when the executive begins to strip down to her underwear, he takes photos of her with his cell phone. Meanwhile, Armando leaves Betty at home and when the neighborhood boys make fun of her, he does not hesitate to defend her. So, he gets into a fight and ends up with a black eye. “They tried to rob me,” he lies when meeting Marcela the next morning.

    Aura María and Giovas make love

    'Betty in NY' Preview: First quote

    Nicolás manages to find the box where Betty keeps Armando's things and sees that she is more in love than she thought. To add insult to injury, the lawyers, Frank and Peter, tell her that they are taking too many risks with BAR Fashions and it won't end well.

    After an exhaustive analysis, Betty advises Armando and Ricardo not to do business with Daniel's proposed manufacturer in India. Marcela is furious when she finds out about her and has a confrontation with her assistant: “I want you out of here. I'm sick of you thinking you own V&M."

    Enrique returns from his trip and Bertha decides to spy on him. In the account statements she sees an unknown number and later, she catches him in a restaurant with a woman named Linda. "My little bomb deceives me," she tells her friends devastated.

    Betty is not willing to be the lover and wants to end the relationship with Armando. Desperate, he takes her to the place of her first date and makes her an unexpected promise: "I will break my engagement with Marcela, but you have to be patient, my love." Back home, Betty says goodbye to her lover with a passionate kiss and Nicolás sees them. Very angry, he warns his friend that Mendoza is only using her, but she does not listen. "I'm happy. Ugly people also have the right to fall in love.

    Enrique shows Bertha that Linda sells cars. "I wanted to give you one to celebrate your wedding anniversary," she explains, and the couple is reconciled.

    Patricia finds a gift basket with champagne, caviar, pâté, truffles and grapes on her desk. "Thank you for being so special," she reads herself in a note. A few minutes later, she receives a call from Nicolás and she, believing that he is a millionaire, agrees to go on a date with him. Betty gets excited with an erotic book that Aura María lends her and commits the folly of leaving a poem by Alfonsina Storni on Armando's desk. Marcela finds him and suffers a jealous attack. “I know there is another woman. Who is it?" she questions her fiancé. Since he is silent, he decides to review the recordings from the security cameras, but he only sees Betty and Sofía enter the office.

    That night, she decides to change her strategy and waits for Armando in his apartment dressed very sensually: "She dedicates poems to you and I make them come true." Those who also experience a night of passion are Aura María and Giovas.

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    'Betty in NY' previews: First date
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