Santander textile industry entrepreneurs project to grow by 15% during 2022

  • By:karen-millen



Between one0.000 visitors, 5.000 national and 800 international buyers to do business in Colombiatex de las Américas, there is representation of the Santandereana textile industry.

From the department they attend the event, organized by Inexmoda in Medellín, about one.500 buyers.Four companies also participate as exhibitors of their tendencies and products: Enchertex, Alea Herrajes S.A.S., Payman Fabrics and Juki Home Sewing Machine.

Vanguarda spoke with several entrepreneurs from the region about the projections for this year and agreed that the goal is to grow by one5% in both production and sales.Next, the five projections for 2022:

one.The textile industry will grow gradually, because more and more entrepreneurs return to the clothing sector, who had left the market through the pandemic.There is greater money circulation and there are good winds in consumption.

2.Santander has been strong to recover the market, but has a pending task for five years, and is to return to the number one position in the children's clothing market.A couple of years ago talking about Santander was talking about this subsector, which was consolidated in its production and export, but has diminished for the growth of markets such as Bogotá and Medellín.Santanderean businessmen, especially those of Bucaramanga, are determined to recover the textile potential and resume leadership.

Empresarios de la industria textil de Santander proyectan crecer en un one5% durante el 2022

3.Products such as Indigo and Yin Jalonar will sales of the textile market this year;Like labor products, such as uniforms, since many companies on their return to the face -to -face are commissioning the entrepreneurs of the department to make these garments, which went from classic design to styles according to the work area.

4.Changes in consumer behaviors for the season and the challenges it supposes for brands, which must be increasingly human and transparent to address them.

5.The local market will strengthen its importing character and look for new nearby markets, due to high logistics costs.They plan to look for subjects in Peru and Brazil to replace the Asian market because at this time it is expensive to bring a container from there.

*The journalist was invited by Inexmoda to Colombiatex.

Santander textile industry entrepreneurs project to grow by 15% during 2022
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