The fashion cycle: where does the clothes we discard end?

  • By:karen-millen



The maelstrom of large -scale fashion consumption in which we have been wrapped for thousands of years increasingly unsustainable.Quick and without regard consumption.We bought, use and at best, when we stop likes, we take it to a recycling point.

But the truth is that bringing clothes to these points, does not ensure a sustainable ending for textile waste.Only 1 in 10 garments that people leave at recycling points ends at a second -hand or destined for people who need it.It is what is known as "usable" clothes.

El 90% restante, se considera que no se le puede dar una segunda vida porque está “demasiado sucia, muy desgastada o directamente rota”. ¿Y qué se hace con esa cantidad brutal de ropa que nadie quiere en Europa? La inmensa mayoría se vende a otros países que sí reutilizan lo que aquí nadie quiere.

El ciclo de la moda: ¿Dónde acaba la ropa que desechamos?

Para que se hagan una idea, en 2018, sólo nuestro país exportó más de 59 toneladas de ropa usada.All that clothes arrives in Ghana in ships.And here the recycling chain stops dry in a giant "stop".Imagine how are the garments that in a country without resources discard up to 40% of the material.And there they have how to continue with recycling.

Thus, these places are colonized by huge mountains of used clothes that we have sent to recycle with very good intentions.Good intentions that end up translating thousands of km to end up contaminating land that they have little to save.

The fashion cycle: where does the clothes we discard end?
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