Fashion expert advice to find the best color to show off in you

  • By:karen-millen



Se trata de una de las pruebas preferidas de las revistas femeninas: la elección del tipo de color personal. Pero el asunto no es tan sencillo con las tonalidades. Cada temporada invaden nuevos colores de moda las tiendas y no todos tienen sensibilidad para detectar cuál le sienta bien.Consejos de expertos en moda para encontrar el mejor color para lucir en usted Consejos de expertos en moda para encontrar el mejor color para lucir en usted

"Try a lot of helps to find the correct colors and cuts," recommends the Tillessen Trendencies analyst from the German Fashion Institute in Colonia.When contemplating in the mirror, who reflects not only the question of whether it is an incredible garment, but also if it effectively favors it.That is, if you really look fresher and more radiant than if you don't use it.

In case of doubts, an expert or expert in colors and styles can be consulted.In a session of his workshop in the German city of Colonia, Nicola Schmidt states for example: "If we use colors that do not correspond to the skin of the skin, the face suddenly looks more pale and stained." Because the skin under the surface, he states, it is decisive in the determination of color. Unlike skin tone, which is modified with the sun, or hair, which can also acquire another color, that nuance remains throughout life.

To find the right colors for each individual, Schmidt, like many of his colleagues, uses the color theory of the four stations.This classification is based on the painter and pedagogue of Swiss art Johannes Itten, who investigated during the 1920s what effects the colors have on people's features.The biggest difference is between cold tones (summer/winter) and warm (spring/autumn).


Consejos de expertos en moda para encontrar el mejor color para lucir en usted

If it is warm or cold, it can be determined by alternating a golden or silver fabric under the chin.Schmidt uses colored necks that are tied around the neck to cover the neckline.When the golden neck gives a vital appearance to the person, then it corresponds to spring or autumn.And if it is the silver neck that gives it luminosity, then the person corresponds rather to summer or winter.

If you fit the silver better, this has to do with the tone of pale, bluish or rosé skin.But this is not always so easy to recognize.And, continuing with the colors of the stations, unlike what the summer type lets suppose, harmonize with cold skin soft colors such as light blue, lilac, mint or pink.

Where it is not so easy to determine through colored necks, fabrics are added in other summer tones.Maybe the person is winter: this strong tones are recommended such as cherry red, lemon yellow and emerald green.Black and white combinations are also possible.

The colors of spring are clear tones, such as apricot, lime green or yellow honey.These usually favor clear complexion people with a warm skin tone, golden yellow or peach.The skin of the autumnal type is also warm and golden.Earth and warm tones are recommended such as chocolate or green fir brown, as well as bright copper red.

Each color modifies something on the face and in the best case the complexion, mouth and cheeks or eyes are highlighted.

"When favorite colors have a rather disadvantageous effect on who you saw, then you can use them in accessories, such as belts, wallet or shoes," says Schmidt. The main thing, he says, is that this color that is not very advantageousdirectly under the face.


To not make mistakes, many people choose to wear black clothing."This swallows the light," says the trends specialist."That is why it is very suitable to hide and seem thinner."And Tillessen adds that, in addition, black can cause a mysterious and intellectual effect, because it diverts the attention of the body and concentrates on the mind.

But there are also situations to which it does not adapt: "Black in the conversation with a new client is rather disadvantage, because it gives a very distance feeling," says Schmidt.Meanwhile, add that they can cause an authoritarian sensation colors of opposite polarities such as black and white.

Naked colors, that is, soft tones such as land, sand and cream, which resemble the tones of the flesh, only favor a few people.The reason: "From afar, literally adjusted pants look like legs and rear naked," says Schmidt.

In addition, the expert adds, bare colors on light skin make people look even more pale, as well as stuffed, as long as they are not squalid.

Fashion expert advice to find the best color to show off in you
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