The ‘Battle of San Rafael’ is intensified with the intervention of Aguer and Viganò

  • By:karen-millen



por Carlos Esteban | 01 agosto, 2020

Far from Aminainar, the storm raised by the Argentine bishop Eduardo Taussig when ordering the closure of the diocesan seminary of San Rafael, the most nourishLetter from the Emeritus of La Plata, Héctor Aguer, and the 'more envy' of Taussig himself.

"I deeply regret what has happened in San Rafael, because of a very serious mistake of yours: the decree on the way of communion" writes, overwhelming, the archbishop emeritus of La Plata, Héctor Aguer.“I have expressed my opinion the two times you called me on the phone.I have exposed the reasons in my article "The communion in time of pandemic", published in "Infocatolic."I pray for you, and for the diocese.And, in a very special way, by priests and seminarians.I hope those vocations are not lost. ”

He immediately received Taussig another longer but at all less hard from the controversial archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, sarcasm over These decades, there are still good priests and clergy who do not put the courtesan obedience to due respect for the Blessed Sacrament; And I imagine their spite to see that even the lush faithful and whole families - of what is called "La Vendée de los Andes" - follow the good shepherds, of which, as the Gospel says, "recognize the voice", and not to mercenaries who do not care about sheep (Jn 10,4. 13) ”. And that ends: “We pray for its conversion, a conversion to which we are all called, but that is inevitable for those who work not for the glory of God, but against the good of souls and the honor of the Church. We all pray for the seminarians and the faithful of San Rafael to whom you, his excellence, has declared war. ”

This July 31, Taussig published a canonical warning directed to the parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, ordering that a pastoral "innovation" for the delivery of communion to the faithful "cease immediately." Taussig argued that in that parish “communion has begun to be given in hand but with the aggregate of a pastoral 'innovation' that would consist of offering each faith Receive the host, make the communion and then discard that canvas in a basket, eventually to be washed or burned (I ignore its destination), in order to 'take care of' the particles that could detach themselves from the host received. ” Instead of carrying out this practice, the bishop urged "that the communion is distributed and received according to the indications of the Argentine Episcopal Conference", which encouraged since March this year to the Eucharist being delivered "only in hand", Lasting "the situation of rebellion of a significant sector of the clergy, which has not impressed the detriment of the seminar" of the diocese, "Santa María Madre de Dios".

La ‘Batalla de San Rafael’ se recrudece con la intervención de Aguer y Viganò

After the closure of the temples under the pretext of the pandemic, Taussig announced the resumption of public worship since June 16.As part of the protocol decreed by the bishop, it was announced that "the Sacred Eucharist will be shaped in the hand", although the provisions of the Church confirm the right of the faithful to receive communion in the mouth as long as they wish.The Bishop's disposition faced the immediate resistance between the seminarians and some laity of a diocese that has been called ‘La Vandea de los Andes’, who even met at the beginning of July to pray the Rosary outside the Diocesan Seminary.

An open letter also circulated among the local press demanding Mons. Taussig to allow the communion of knees and directly in the mouth.At the end of June, the Bishop of San Rafael accepted the resignation of Father Alejandro Miquel Ciarocchi as rector of the Santa María Madre de Dios diocesan Seminary.On July 27, Taussig announced the appointment of the new rector, Fr. Víctor Torres Jordán, and said that by the end of 2020 the Priests Training Center would be closed "following precise instructions emanating from the Holy See."

But Taussig, far from rectifying before the wave of protests that caused his capricious authoritarianism or, at least, wait for the storm escampe, just sent a canonical warning to three priests from their diocese, threatening them with withdrawing them from the active ministry, and forcing themto give communion exclusively in hand and prohibiting that the faithful cover it with a cloth.

"All this does nothing but demonstrate that it is a completely deranged man," says the Argentine blogger who writes under the pseudonym of Wanderer.“If the Holy See has been so pressing to intervene in other cases, it is not understood why it does not intervene in San Rafael and displaces from its position a character who is not in his bockals and is, therefore, incapableto govern the diocese ”.

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The ‘Battle of San Rafael’ is intensified with the intervention of Aguer and Viganò
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